
Warren's Immigration Plan will Help the 2020 Dem Nominee

Whether she realizes it or not, I think Sen Warren just did the Democratic party, and their 2020 nominee, a huge favor and set the stage for moving immigration policy left. Warren's immigration policy proposal is here , and it prompted Kevin Drum to ask : is this basically just open borders? This is a curious plan. As near as I can tell, it recommends no actions to improve border law enforcement in any way. There’s nothing about either a wall or a “virtual wall.” There’s nothing about E-Verify. There’s nothing about “smarter” or “more efficient” enforcement. No one will ever be deported—except, presumably, for serious felons, though Warren doesn’t even say that explicitly. Expedited removal will be ended. ... I have previously criticized Republicans who accused liberals of wanting “open borders.” President Trump tweets about this endlessly. But I have to admit that it’s hard to see much daylight between Warren’s plan and  de facto  open borders. You can read through Warren